Blog izipoint

Branding opportunities with self-service kiosks

Lets say you want to brand your self-service kiosk or your micro market. How we can come in handy at izipoint?

First, we suggest branding your point of sale. It's the easiest yet efficient way. Start with fridges. Put your logo, your mission, your best offer on the side of your fridges and let your customers memorize you. At izipoint we offer printing services to design your POS. This service is free and comes along with purchase of the fridge. 

Then think about placing a screen with information about your company and main discounts. Place it by the fridge so your customers stay somewhat entertained during their shopping experience. Discounts information on the screen might also motivate them to purchase more than they eventually planned. 

Use the advantages of our app. Briefly speaking it allows you to promote your goods and set different kind of discounts as well. We have various options that are already installed in the app as templates. To use them you only need to conncet your point of sale to our system and choose the tool you would like to try. Like buy one, get one for free for example. We also suggest you using push notifications. They may work as news portal where you give updates on your kiosk. Send messages to your customers, inform them and become closer.