Blog izipoint

How to work with izipoint ERP

Our system is flexible enough for you to find perfect product combo for each of your micro markets.

How to monitor expiration dates?
When you upload goods to the system, you put all the information about them. Setting the expiration date too. In the admin panel of your POS you can also filter products by date and monitor their condition. 

How to sell expiring goods faster?
The easiest way is to promote them. Set a discount, add a promo and turn on push notifications. There're 2 types of promotions:

  • for a group of goods with an expiring date;
  • for 2 goods you can combine – thus you may sell the expiring goods faster and up the average check as a nice bonus!

How to keep only popular goods?
Always monitor the demand on your goods and sell those that are popular among your clients. To know what are those, use izipoint ERP. In the products section you may filter goods by the number of sales at a certain period of time. This statistics shows what goods need to be replaced to increase income.